
Emerald has been historically mined in Colombia since before 400 AD by the locals and for centuries after by the conquistadors.
A large majority of Colombia's historical civil unrest was due to its bountiful Emerald deposits. This civil unrest has reduced dramatically since 2016.
Emerald in Colombia is predominately mined in the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyaca. Colombian Emerald is the most famous within the beryl-family of gemstones. Emeralds from Colombia hold exceptionally high purity and clarity, making them the global standard of Emerald.
Colombian Emeralds are the only Emeralds formed in sedimentary rock as opposed to igneous rock. Top quality Colombian Emeralds can go for more than 120 thousand per carat and can fetch more than Diamonds of similar size.
Colombian Emeralds have a green to bluish-green color with a vivid or strong saturation. Colombian Emeralds are also distinguished by the fact that they contain no iron. When purchasing a Colombian Emerald be sure to purchase one that is certified by Gubelin or SSEF to assure the highest quality colored stone laboratory testing.
To purchase Colombian Emeralds click here